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St Mary Magdalen church provides a foodbank in partnership with the Share & Care Collective.


Share and Care provide food donations for families in need from local schools in the SW13
and SW14 areas, including St Mary Magdalen's Primary School.  We are a partner in giving foodbank help by providing free accommodation so that the foodbank can store donations and sort them out for distribution, as well as the church being a food donation collection point, whenever we are open.  A BIG THANK YOU to all those who support the joint Parish and 
Share & Care’ Foodbank, with thanks as well to those Parish families who donate to our Foodbank and others via local supermarkets.  All Your support is appreciated and helps many local families in need.  It would be a great blessing if families could please include one extra item in their shopping to bring on Sunday or during the week as a donation to help feed Parish and local families.  Our Foodbank is urgently in need of dried pasta,
rice, tinned tuna, tinned tomatoes, tinned soup or tinned vegetables. 
Also needed are washing powder, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, tea, coffee, jam and biscuits.
For more information on the work of our foodbank partner, please follow the link to their website: 


If you would like to register with the Parish and let us know your details, including whether you have skills to help or may be in need of help yourself, pleased download the
Parish Register file as a PDF.  Where possible please complete this digitally using
Adobe 'fill and sign' (or similar:

After completion please email the Parish Office with your digital copy or simply
print out and complete (in BLOCK CAPITALS) and hand it to Fr Adrian after Mass.

Baptisms at St Mary Magdalen

If you are a parishioner at our Church, you can make an appointment to see Fr Adrian to have your baby, child or yourself baptised. The easiest way to arrange this is to speak with Fr Adrian after Mass on Sunday. You will need to print and fill in the form below before your meeting.

Children's Liturgy at the 9.30 Sunday Mass

As part of our 9.30 am Family Mass we have Children’s Liturgy groups to help children understand God’s Word through Bible stories, music and craft activities.  Parents are encouraged to bring their babies and children to Mass and shouldn't feel embarrassed if the child cries - this is just a sign of how our Parish is blessed to have children and families as part of our wider Parish Family. 
We encourage parents to 'sign-up' for the Children's Liturgy  as this enables us to plan activities for the 9.30 Mass on Sunday  If you have a child/children who attend or would like to attend our Children’s Liturgy and you haven't yet signed up for this then please click on the PDF link to download the application form.  This form can be completed online and sent by email to the Parish Office or printed at home and given to Fr Adrian after Mass.  If you would like more information about our Children's Liturgy, please feel free to chat to one of our parent leaders/helpers or Fr Adrian after the 9.30 Mass,
as we would love to welcome you as part of our Parish Family, thank you.

Planned Giving: Donating by Standing Order or by your Bank's App, with or without Gift Aid

If you would like to make a donation to St Mary Magdalen Church, either as a one-off donation
or a regular weekly or monthly donation by standing order, please download and complete the
'Planned Giving & Gift Aid' form by clicking on the named PDF icon. If you are a UK Tax Payer, either on income or just savings, you can Gift Aid your donation by downloading and completing the same form. Please complete the form and then return it to us so that we have a record of the Gift Aid declaration. There is also a separate from for our specific Restoration Fund called 'Building Together' - further details of this fund can be found in the download which contains a specific donation form.

If you would like to donate to St Mary Magdalen via standing order, please download the same donation form.  The 'Planned Giving & Gift Aid' form can be used to notify us of a Standing Order you have set up yourself or can be returned to us so that we send it off to your bank for you.

Either way, if you are a UK tax payer, you can GIFT AID your standing order donation by filing in the Gift Aid form declaration contained in the Donation Form, this way you won't need to complete two separate forms.  Please remember to return the form to the Parish Office so that we can keep a confidential record of the Standing Order, of your Banking App donation or of the Gift Aid Declaration.  If you have any questions about what to do, please email the Parish Office, thank you.

St Mary Magdalen Primary School

Church Records

Please click here to be taken to St Mary Magdalen Primary School, which is an important part of our church life here at St Mary Magdalen.

A Letter introducing our Parish Priest, Fr. McKenna.

Please click the PDF link to download and read the letter from Fr Adrian.

St Mary Magdalen has over 160 years of records including burial, baptismal and marital. Most of it has now been digitised and information can be found via 

Our thanks for Dr Andy Scott for making this available to everyone.

St Mary Magdalen Church, 61 North Worple Way, Mortlake, London, SW14 8PR


0208 876 1326

© 2019 by St Mary Magdalen, Mortlake

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